Terms & Conditions of Entry
- The name of the game is ‘Harrigan’s Social Club Draw4 Cash’
- The game starts 15/02/2024 and will occur weekly at 7:30pm at the discretion of the Promotor.
- Entry into the game is gained by patrons holding a Harrigan’s Cameron Park Social Club membership and being present at Harrigan’s Cameron Park on a night a draw occurs.
- Entrants must be over the age of 18 years of age.
- Entrants must be a current Harrigan’s Social Club Member.
- Entrants cannot be employed by or be an immediate family member of an employee of, Roche Group including but not limited to employees of Harrigan’s Cameron Park.
- As a condition of entering this competition, all entrants grant to the Promoter the right to use their image in on websites and in promotional material, this usage is royalty free. This usage includes but is not limited to any media including digital and print media.
- Upon arrival to Harrigan’s Cameron Park on a Thursday night of any given game, a Social Club Member will receive a ticket in the draw for the same night.
- All Social Club Members who are present at the time of drawing a name are included in the lottery.
- Those who are not present will not receive an entry.
- The promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and personal details concerning entrants.
- Entries must be received before the time the draw is conducted.
- The draw will be conducted each Thursday at 7:30pm unless postponed at the discretion of the Promotor.
- If a week is skipped at the discretion of the Promotor due to the Christmas period where the game may miss multiple weeks, the jackpot will be reverted to the starting figure of the Promotor’s choosing.
- If a week is skipped at the discretion of the Promotor due to a Special Event or Sporting event where the game may miss a single week, the jackpot will raise by a figure of the Promotor’s choosing.
- The place where the draw will be undertaken is Harrigan’s Cameron Park, located at 70 McKendry Drive, Cameron Park NSW.
- The winning name or number of the successful entrant will be audibly and clearly announced so that all patrons who have entry in the draw have the opportunity of hearing the announcement.
- If the successful entrant fails to present themselves to the person who conducted the draw within 30 seconds of the announcement, a further draw will take place and the process continue until a successful entrant presents themself.
- The successful entrant will have the opportunity to select from a partial deck of UNO cards containing no more than 52 cards.
- 9 Red Number cards (1x of numbers one through nine) will be face up.
- 9 Yellow Number cards (1x of numbers one through nine) will be face up.
- 9 Blue Number cards (1x of numbers one through nine) will be face up.
- 9 Green Number cards (1x of numbers one through nine) will be face up.
- 8 Skip Cards (2x of each colour) will be face down.
- 4 Reverse Cards (1x of each colour) will be face down.
- 3 Blank UNO Cards will be face down.
- 1 Draw4 Card will be face down.
- The prize is won if the successful entrant selects the Draw4 Card. If the Draw4 Card is not selected the prize jackpots to the following draw. If a Draw4 Card is not selected the person conducting the game will turn over the Draw4 Cards in the presence of patrons.
- When a jackpot is carried over from the previous draw, the draw is to be from the previous draw’s total number of cards with the non-winning card removed. Non-winning game cards will not be placed back on the game board. The position of the cards on the game board will be reshuffled. The Draw4 Card will always be part of the set of cards on the game board.
- On the final date of the game, the prize must be won. A draw will be conducted of entrants continuously until a successful entrant wins the prize.
- On opening night, the start-up amount for the prize is $1,000. If not won, the prize jackpots by $100 for the following draw.
- This prize is not negotiable, transferable, exchangeable, or redeemable for cash in another currency.
- The winners are responsible for arranging and transporting the prize – lost, misplaced or stolen prize money will not be replaced.
- The board containing the game cards will be secured (secured means a locked cupboard, behind a screen) and under the custody of (Mathew Sargent).
- The promoter is Harrigan’s Cameron Park.